April 18, 2023, 7:30 pm
Pulitzer Arts Foundation
3716 Washington Blvd
St. Louis,
United States
The St. Louis Symphony Orchestra and the Pulitzer Arts Foundation present contemporary chamber music performed in response to the art on view. The 2022 season is curated by Tim Munro, Creative Partner at the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra and Grammy Award-winning flutist.
Please let us know if you require any accommodations to participate in this program. Contact programs@pulitzerarts.org or fill in the comments section below.
Apr 18: Wild Air
Dai Fujikura, Yurayura
Dai Fujikura, Calling
Dai Fujikura, Uniuni
Dai Fujikura, Sandpiper
Dai Fujikura, Harahara
Paul Dean, Jasper and Charlie