Marian Brickner will show and discuss slides of her wildlife photography. These will include slides of her photographic documentation of Lucy, a bonobo whom she followed for years, from Lucy’s birth through Lucy becoming a mother herself. Marian Brickner has published over 60 books of her photographic work and is especially known for her work on bonobo apes. After decades of capturing exquisite images of animals in the US and abroad, these days she can be found working attentively and quietly here in St Forest Park. Evolutionary biologist, author, playright, and humorist Richard Milner, of the Museum of Natural History, said about her and her work: “Marian Brickner has a rare gift, which combines remarkable skills of empathy and visual art along with a high level of photographic technique.” High Noon offers free cultural and artistic programming, during your lunch hour! The High Noon series features St. Louis talents from across the arts, cultural, and educational spectrum. Spend a lunch hour enjoying presentations and performances in a friendly, relaxed atmosphere – take a break, and feel free to bring your lunch! High Noons in the Listening Room at High Low (3301 Washington Avenue) take place every Thursday from 12 to 1pm.