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Photography Critique, with Professor Scott Angus

Event Category:

September 18, 2022

MO United States

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September 18th, 2022

Photography Critique, with Professor Scott Angus

Sunday, September 18th, 2022
1-3pm CST – Live at IPHF
3415 Olive St, St. Louis, MO

Open to photographers of all levels who desire constructive feedback on their artwork. Registration includes a critique led by Associate Professor Scott Angus. Participants should bring one to two images to the event and be prepared to present them. (Submission details will be sent upon registration.) Critiques will be limited to 20 people.

Scott Lawrence Angus holds a Master of Art Theory from the University of New South Wales and a MFA from California State University. He is an avid adventure seeker and has travelled the world working as a photographer for humanitarian and environmental reasons including working with the Filipino Special Forces. Angus studies how photographs work in the context of politics and history to change society. He is an Associate Professor & Director of Photography and Video Media Studies at Maryville University, and the recipient of the University’s prestigious Diversity and Inclusion Award and the Global Awareness Award. Recently Angus produced a film about the Dental Crisis in Rural Missouri, and is working on a book about Missouri and her Natural Treasures.

This is an In Person Event at the International Photography Hall of Fame
Registration is limited to 20 people

Admission: $10 Non-Members/$5 Seniors and Students/Members Free

Members/1839 Society: Reserve Your Free Ticket Here.

Please call (314) 535-1999 or email [email protected] for further assistance 


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